Monday, January 18, 2016


Address:- No-45, 2nd Cross Street, Vavuniya.

Tel No.  :- 024 2222633
                  077 7912197

Swift      :- SEYBLKLX

E-mail   :-

Web       :-

Vision    :- To be Sri Lanka's leading financial services provider - as recognized by all                     our stakeholders.

Mission:- We provide our Customers with financial services that meets their needs in                  terms of value, pricing, delivery and service.
                 We will do so through a team of Seylan Bankers who are recognized and                      rewarded for results orientation.
                 We will ensure that our efforts translate to meeting the expectations of our                    shareholders, whilst always acting as responsible corporate citizens.

Values  :- High ethical and professional conduct
                 Passion for excellence
                 Courage to adapt to change 
                 Continuous improvement
                 Mutual respect and trust
                 Building lasting relationships.

Our Services:-
                  All kind of banking services.